Morris Pert
The Book Of Love / Fragmenti I / The Ultimate Decay
レーベル:Chantry Records – CHT 007
フォーマット:レコード, LP
ジャンル:Electronic, Classical, Contemporary, Experimental
メディアの状態: Near Mint (NM)
スリーブの状態: Near Mint (NM)
A1 The Book Of Love
A2 Fragmenti I
B The Ultimate Decay
Track A1 subtitled "Sixteen Illuminations On A Medieval Manuscript", commissioned by the BBC and written specially for Gary Kettel. First broadcasted 28th January 1981 on Radio 3. Recorded at Sound Developments Studios, London.
Track A2 commissioned by the composer's publisher Josef Weinberger Limited for inclusion in their Jack Brymer series of clarinet publications, completed 1977. Recorded at Sound Developments Studios, London.
Track B commissioned by the vocal group Electric Phoenix for the 1978 St. Bartholomew's Festival of 20th century music.
スコットランド出身の作曲家兼打楽器奏者Morris Pertによる前衛的で実験的な要素が詰まったユニークなアルバム。クラシック、エレクトロニカ、アヴァンギャルドが融合した構成で、彼の多才な音楽性を体感できる一枚。Highly Recommend!